If you follow us on Twitter or Instagram, you’ll have noticed that we post just as many photos of our studio cat, Ruuo (pronounced ROO-OH), as we do of our work. Throughout the past two and a half years, she’s been a constant companion during rough times, and softly coercive taskmaster keeping us pinned to our desk chairs. On monday, July 12th 2021, Ruuo lost her battle with Chronic Kidney Disease and passed at home
Recently Cameron and Erica sat down for a twitch stream with the students at the Miami Animations and Gaming International Complex to talk all things indie-game development.
With the end of 2020 fast approaching (or in some parts of the world, already here), we thought it would be great to share some exciting updates with the studio and look back on what we were able to accomplish this year. One change, apparent now from our website, is that Chad Sutton, our new artist and roommate, decided in October to move back to Michigan. We were sad to see him go (the cat



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