Last year we were fortunate enough to get to attend the 77th World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon) in Dublin, which was a fantastic experience. We were thrilled to find out that we’d been accepted as panellists for 2020.
In an alternate dimension, right now we would be packing our bags for New Zealand. Instead, we’re stuck in the timeline that’s got secret police and uncontrollable viruses, so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Like many of this year’s events, though, CoNZealand hasn’t been cancelled, but tranformed to a less corporeal state online. So, this week, that’s where you can find us! (Along with much cooler people).
Starting Tuesday, July 28th, Cameron and Erica will be participating as panelists for the first-ever virtual WorldCon, talking about games, writing, marketing and more.
You can find Erica’s schedule HERE
And Cameron’s schedule HERE
And here’s a handy guide to the dates & times of our various events:
It’s definitely not what we envisioned for our first WorldCon as speakers, but we are still glad to get the chance to participate, and excited to see what the rest of the convention brings!
If you’re interested in attending the virtual conference, you can still sign up at
If you’re already attending, we’re always happy to meet new people and chat, if you want to stop by our panels/kaffeeklatsch and say hi.
Can’t wait to see everyone there!